How You Can Make Time To Meal Prep

In The Kitchen

Paulina Allure

March 14, 2021

How You Can Make Time To Meal Prep

Life get’s super busy, especially as a mom and a business owner. Even though my job allows for more flexibility, my to-do list is NEVER ending. I always think about having to get the laundry done, take care of my baby boy, walk the dog, work, and of course, what’s for dinner? So I am here to tell you that you need to meal prep. It has been life changing for me in so many ways. So let me tell you all my secrets!


I usually get my meal prep done in the start of the week. This is usually Sunday or Monday for me. It really depends when I get my grocery shopping done. I like to do Sunday’s because my husband helps me out & it get’s done much quicker but some weeks I do it on Monday by myself. I just want to point out here, I meal prep when Jayden is napping and I get it done as fast as I can. But during these 2-4 hours that I set aside for meal prep (depending how much food I want prepped), I don’t have to worry about the rest of the week! So start this week, and pick a day!


Any time you decide to cook dinner or lunch, make larger portions. This means you can double or triple the recipe. Of course, make sure you love the recipe that you are making. Don’t do this when you are trying something new because you may end up hating it. But your go to meals are ones that you should make more of in one cooking session. That way you have leftovers for the week but you can also freeze them! I feel like people forget you can pretty much freeze anything. Did you know you can freeze a whole avocado?! Of course, there are some exceptions!


When I cook in bulk, I try to cook more simple things. The reason for this is that I can mix and match meals. I don’t have to eat the same exact leftover again and again. Instead I can add different toppings, sauces, dressings, etc and make it like a new meal every time. Who wants to eat the same thing over and over for the next 3 days? Not me! & that is why I think people are hesitant to meal prep. People think that if you meal prep, you need to eat the same food for a week but I am here to tell you that you just need to make more simple foods in order to get a bit more creative!


Show up and meal prep once a week. It is that simple. Give yourself a time frame and just do it. Make sure you are prepared ahead of time with a list of things you need to meal prep and with all the ingredients you need from the grocery store. Once you do this weekly, it just becomes a routine. Meal prepping allows you to make healthier choices for food and it allows you to spend less time in the kitchen throughout the week. It really is something I look forward to weekly!



If you don’t have time to make full meals or you are really struggling to get your meal prepping done in one day, try to just prep your ingredients. What I mean by this is, cut up your broccoli, onions, peppers, salad, etc so you can use these simple, healthy ingredients throughout the week to cook healthier meals. For example, in the morning, you can make some eggs with onions & peppers much quicker because it is all cut up for you vs. cutting everything up the morning of. I know for sure that I am more likely to cook something healthier if the veggies are already cut up for me because I am too lazy to cut them up when I am hungry and just want to eat something! You are more likely to grab something that takes much less time. I’ve been there too. But trust me, this works like a charm!

Talk to you soon!


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Paulina Allure     Author

Wife and mama, modern day homemaker, mother hen, future goat owner, professional meal prepper and your new friend for exploring a self sufficient life. Follow her on instagram @paulina_allure

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